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Wine Bottles

Annual Wine & Cheese Event

Access to healthcare services is a critical issue for residents and visitors alike. We are actively working in collaboration with organizations island-wide to recruit and retain doctors to our local hospitals and rural communities through our primary care training program and Rural Health Clinics. Your participation will make a meaningful and impactful difference in the health and wellbeing of our community.

What to expect

Our guests have an extraordinary experience at the Wine, Cheese, Chocolate 7 More! event. Here are a few of the activities you can expect.

Interested in Sponsoring?

Sponsorships include: (Subject to change year to year. Prices may vary.)

  • Company listing and information in press release

  • Logo & business name in Wine & Cheese program, on website and in event emails

  • Opportunity to place logoed items and promotional materials into swag/event packs

  • Early Access admission for VIP Reception with Master Sommelier

Snapshots from Last Year

If you have event photos and would like to share them with HBMC Foundation, please reach out and we can work out a way to retreive them from you. Mahalo!

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